Sustainability Course Repository

ACCT-5385 : Corporate Governance

Accounting | Albers School of Business | GR

本课程的目标是培养对公司治理马赛克的综合知识, 它旨在平衡管理自主权和公司责任. 本课程向学生介绍关键治理参与者之间的责任和相互作用, including shareholders, board of directors and its subcommittees, managers, external and internal auditors, the capital markets, and the broader regulatory environment. Topics will be addressed using current readi...

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  • LSAP Goal 3 Ecological Economics
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

ADMN-300 : Administrative Law

Administrative Law | University Core | LW

这是一门概括性课程,旨在向学生介绍行政机构的权力和限制,以及管理行政机构的法律和政治机制. 重点将放在广泛的专题范围,而不是对任何特定领域的详细分析. 本课程在课程中的作用是为特定监管领域的高级课程提供基础. 学生将获得对结构和程序的基本熟悉 ...

Read more about ADMN-300 : Administrative Law

  • 目标7:社区复原力和赋权
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

ADVC-330 : Social Impact Advocacy

Advocacy | LW

尽管一个世纪或更长的时间里看似具有里程碑意义的法律改革(如布朗诉布朗案). 教育委员会宣布学校种族隔离为非法)和社会变革, everyday headlines make plain that the U.S. 宪法对“法律之下的平等正义”的承诺对许多人来说仍然是虚幻的, and for some entire groups. When examined from a systems analysis, 当前的国外博彩app揭示了各种令人生畏和看似棘手的法律和社会问题的“系统性”和相互联系的本质...

Read more about ADVC-330 : Social Impact Advocacy

  • LSAP Goal 1 Response to the Cry of the Earth
  • LSAP Goal 2 Response to the Cry of the Poor
  • LSAP Goal 3 Ecological Economics
  • LSAP Goal 4 Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles
  • LSAP Goal 5 Ecological Education
  • 目标7:社区复原力和赋权
  • 3 Good Health and Well Being
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

AILJ-300 : American Indian Law Journal

American Indian Law Journal | LW

美国印第安人法律杂志(AILJ)是学生之间的学术合作, faculty, and practitioners. AILJ旨在填补对印度法律快速发展领域感兴趣的人目前可获得的奖学金数量的关键空白. AILJ采用创新的在线格式,并于2011年获得临时地位. 印度法律涉及范围广泛的法律问题, including tax, property, contracts, gaming, and environmental law.

Read more about AILJ-300 : American Indian Law Journal

  • LSAP Goal 1 Response to the Cry of the Earth
  • LSAP Goal 2 Response to the Cry of the Poor
  • LSAP Goal 3 Ecological Economics
  • LSAP Goal 4 Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles
  • LSAP Goal 5 Ecological Education
  • 目标7:社区复原力和赋权
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

ANTH-2120 : Cultural Anthropology

Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences | UG

In this course, 向学生介绍基本概念, methods, and applications of cultural anthropology. 人种学案例研究展示了人类文化,并鼓励对不同社会及其价值观的文化相对理解和欣赏. 特别关注全球化如何影响人类文化,以及如何将人类学家的工作应用于解决当代社会问题.

Read more about ANTH-2120 : Cultural Anthropology

  • 目标7:社区复原力和赋权
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
  • 17 Partnerships for the Goals

ANTH-2160 : Human Origins

Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences | UG

人类的起源是什么?是什么使我们与其他灵长类动物区别开来? 人类世世代代都在思考这个问题. 这些问题的答案是人类学研究的核心. 在本课程中,我们将探讨人类起源的生物学和考古学证据. This hands-on, 以活动为重点的课程为学生提供了批判性思考人类起源的框架, the relationship between biology and culture, 以及对人性多样性更深刻的理解.

Read more about ANTH-2160 : Human Origins

  • LSAP Goal 1 Response to the Cry of the Earth
  • 目标7:社区复原力和赋权
  • 3 Good Health and Well Being
  • 15 Life on Land

ANTH-3420 : Indigenous Religions

Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences | UG

本课程是美国原住民宗教与灵性的入门课程. 它关注的是仪式和信仰的发展, 包括神话和故事,以及它们如何融入有组织的传统, sacred spaces and social-political structures. 本课程将考察史前到历史的发展, 特别关注土著权利和复兴努力的当代问题. 将研究区域和特定的土著做法.

Read more about ANTH-3420 : Indigenous Religions

  • LSAP Goal 2 Response to the Cry of the Poor
  • LSAP Goal 6 Ecological Spirituality
  • 目标7:社区复原力和赋权
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

ANTH-3910 : Global Health

Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences | UG

本课程通过医学人类学的理论和方法视角考察全球健康领域. 全球卫生领域的定义是致力于了解世界各地以及社会疾病的表现和模式, political, 经济力量使某些个人和群体面临更高的发病率和死亡率风险. 本课程强调需要概念化健康问题及其提出的解决方案...

Read more about ANTH-3910 : Global Health

  • LSAP Goal 1 Response to the Cry of the Earth
  • LSAP Goal 2 Response to the Cry of the Poor
  • LSAP Goal 3 Ecological Economics
  • 目标7:社区复原力和赋权
  • 3 Good Health and Well Being

ANTH-4220 : Culture & Reproduction

Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences | UG

本课程探讨不同文化的表现方式, customize, 概念化和组织生物繁殖. 生殖活动与家庭等其他文化机构有何关系, religion and law? 哪些形式的生殖活动在文化上得到认可,哪些形式受到惩罚? 繁殖和其他合法化的文化活动之间的关系是什么? 本课程还探讨了宏观上的再生产概念的变化...

Read more about ANTH-4220 : Culture & Reproduction

  • LSAP Goal 2 Response to the Cry of the Poor
  • 目标7:社区复原力和赋权
  • 3 Good Health and Well Being
  • 5 Gender Equality
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions